St Stephen's Church of England Primary School and Nursery

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13


St. Stephen's is a member of the SDBE MAT. For information on our Governance framework, please visit the Trust's website by clicking here.

Information on the role of the Local Governing Body can be found on our Scheme of Delegation.


Our Chair of Governors is Bronia Day. Bronia can be contacted by:



Bronia Day

St Stephen's Primary School

South Godstone



Being a School Governor is about making a difference.

The Governors at St Stephen's School care about improving children's education.  Their strategic role is to bring the experience, life skills and ordinary common sense of non-experts, to the expert task of running our school.  As St Stephen's is a Church of England school, a number of our Governors are appointed by the Parochial Church Council.  Some of these are also parents.  In addition there are elected parent Governors, teaching and support staff Governors and Trust appointed Governors.

As critical friends Governors challenge and play an important part in ensuring the highest standards in achievement for all pupils in our school.  They do this by:

  • agreeing aims and objectives
  • reviewing policies
  • understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • agreeing the annual budget
  • agreeing targets for pupil achievement
  • reviewing performance
  • ensuring accountability for the school to parents and the community
  • participating in staff appointments

Being a school Governor requires a commitment to improving children's education and wanting to make a contribution within the local community.  No special qualifications are needed but all new Governors are encouraged to take part in Induction Training courses.

If you think you might have a contribution to make to the Governing Body at St Stephen's and would like to know more, please contact, through the School Office, either Mrs Amanda Blackburn, the Headteacher or Mrs Bronia Day, Chair of Governors.



St Stephen's Church of England Primary School and Nursery

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13


St. Stephen's is a member of the SDBE MAT. For information on our Governance framework, please visit the Trust's website by clicking here.

Information on the role of the Local Governing Body can be found on our Scheme of Delegation.


Our Chair of Governors is Bronia Day. Bronia can be contacted by:



Bronia Day

St Stephen's Primary School

South Godstone



Being a School Governor is about making a difference.

The Governors at St Stephen's School care about improving children's education.  Their strategic role is to bring the experience, life skills and ordinary common sense of non-experts, to the expert task of running our school.  As St Stephen's is a Church of England school, a number of our Governors are appointed by the Parochial Church Council.  Some of these are also parents.  In addition there are elected parent Governors, teaching and support staff Governors and Trust appointed Governors.

As critical friends Governors challenge and play an important part in ensuring the highest standards in achievement for all pupils in our school.  They do this by:

  • agreeing aims and objectives
  • reviewing policies
  • understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • agreeing the annual budget
  • agreeing targets for pupil achievement
  • reviewing performance
  • ensuring accountability for the school to parents and the community
  • participating in staff appointments

Being a school Governor requires a commitment to improving children's education and wanting to make a contribution within the local community.  No special qualifications are needed but all new Governors are encouraged to take part in Induction Training courses.

If you think you might have a contribution to make to the Governing Body at St Stephen's and would like to know more, please contact, through the School Office, either Mrs Amanda Blackburn, the Headteacher or Mrs Bronia Day, Chair of Governors.



St Stephen's Church of England Primary School and Nursery

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13


St. Stephen's is a member of the SDBE MAT. For information on our Governance framework, please visit the Trust's website by clicking here.

Information on the role of the Local Governing Body can be found on our Scheme of Delegation.


Our Chair of Governors is Bronia Day. Bronia can be contacted by:



Bronia Day

St Stephen's Primary School

South Godstone



Being a School Governor is about making a difference.

The Governors at St Stephen's School care about improving children's education.  Their strategic role is to bring the experience, life skills and ordinary common sense of non-experts, to the expert task of running our school.  As St Stephen's is a Church of England school, a number of our Governors are appointed by the Parochial Church Council.  Some of these are also parents.  In addition there are elected parent Governors, teaching and support staff Governors and Trust appointed Governors.

As critical friends Governors challenge and play an important part in ensuring the highest standards in achievement for all pupils in our school.  They do this by:

  • agreeing aims and objectives
  • reviewing policies
  • understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • agreeing the annual budget
  • agreeing targets for pupil achievement
  • reviewing performance
  • ensuring accountability for the school to parents and the community
  • participating in staff appointments

Being a school Governor requires a commitment to improving children's education and wanting to make a contribution within the local community.  No special qualifications are needed but all new Governors are encouraged to take part in Induction Training courses.

If you think you might have a contribution to make to the Governing Body at St Stephen's and would like to know more, please contact, through the School Office, either Mrs Amanda Blackburn, the Headteacher or Mrs Bronia Day, Chair of Governors.

