St Stephen's Church of England Primary School and Nursery

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13


Open Days 2024

If you missed one of our tours, there's still time to come and have a look before the admission deadline of 15th January 2025. Phone us on 01342892219 or email to book a tour - we'd love to show you around! 



Nursery Open Days 2024

  • Thursday 12th December at 10.00am

If you are unable to attend on these days, please contact us on to arrange an appointment to visit. 

St. Stephen's Open Day Video

Applications for Reception

  • If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, they are due to start in Reception in September 2025.
  • All applications need to be completed online through the Surrey Admissions website by 15th January 2025 and Surrey County Council will process all applications.
  • If you would like to know more about the school's admission criteria and arrangements, read our school Admission Policy below. 
  • If you would like to apply for a place under church allegiance, please collect a supplementary form from the school office, complete it and return it to the school office by 15th January 2025. 

Admission Policy 2023/24

Supplementary Form (SIF) 2023/24

Admission Policy 2024/25

Supplementary Form (SIF) 2024/25

Admission Policy 2025/26

Supplementary Form (SIF) 2025/26


If you would like to apply for a place in a year group other than Reception, or for a place in-year, contact the school to confirm that there is a space then complete the in-year application form online through Surrey County Council.

Consultation on Admission arrangements 2026

St Stephen's Church of England Primary School is consulting over proposed admission arrangements for September 2026. 


The consultation period runs until Wednesday 29th January 2025.


There are three minor changes to our policy:

  • In section (A), we have removed one of the over-subscription criteria for Foundation places to make it simpler for church-going families to apply. The criteria removed was children whose parents are faithful and regular worshippers and who will have a sibling on roll at the school.
  • In the Education out of Normal (chronological) Age Group section, we have clarified procedures for re-applying the following year if a decelerated entry is agreed.
  • We have added a section on In-year admissions. 

Admission Arrangements 2026/2027

Supplementary Form: Foundation Places

Supplementary Form: Staff


If you wish to make any comments, please address them to the Executive Headteacher, Amanda Blackburn or our Chair of Governors, Bronia Day, either by email to or by letter to:-


St Stephen's Primary

Hunters Chase

South Godstone


RH9 8HR 

Appeals Process

Appeals for September 2024 resulting from year of entry or transfer applications:

School Offer Appeals Lodged By Appeals To Be Heard By
Primary 16th April 2024 15th May 2024 17th July 2024 (40 school days)

 NB: Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.


  • Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.
  • Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing.  Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case 7 clear working days in advance of the hearing.
  • Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal, is received by 5pm on the day notified in the letter with details of the hearing.  Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.

In-year or Immediate Entry Appeals

  • Appeals resulting from in-year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.


Surrey manage the school's appeal process. For more information, click here.

To start an appeal, click here.